Monday, March 4, 2013

Hallo, officer. Let me read you my rights.

Spin Doctoring books-- putting a "spin" and "doctoring" literature because public domain is awesome, right?

Okay, enough with the small talk. Here's the meat and taters of this illegitimate brainchild.

Many people have read popular books (for this exercise, we're using Fifty Shades of Grey) and some love 'em for the fluff and spankings and stuff. Others have read them, found them wanting in the reality department concerning domestic abuse. So, authors such as myself, have begun writing alternate versions of the canon text (in this case, FSoG)... not fan-fics, but as exploratory pieces delving into other perspectives and universes, bound together with ties in common with the canon.

So, dear readers, if you are of the school of thought that Christian Grey is the best thing to happen to women since tampons, you may want to pass on these stories. But if you like interesting perspectives and odd plot twists,  please take a peek.

And if you like it, share it.
Like a scorching case of herpes.